System Information Archive

This page is used to query historical NB Power System Information. This hourly data is made available as monthly CSV files. Select a month and a year and click on the "Get Data Link" to download the appropriate CSV file.

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All values are measured in Mwh.

Column Description
NB_DEMAND The average total demand for energy in New Brunswick
NB_LOAD The average total load in New Brunswick. This is calculated as the NB_DEMAND value minus estimated Transmission losses.
ISO_NE The average energy flow going to or from interfaces with ISO New England.
NMISA The average energy flow going to or from interfaces with Northern Maine ISA.
HYDRO_QUEBEC The average energy flow going to or from interfaces with Hydro Quebec.
NOVA_SCOTIA The average energy flow going to or from interfaces with Nova Scotia.
PEI The average energy flow going to or from interfaces with Prince Edward Island.

Sign Convention:

Positive schedule values indicate exports from New Brunswick. Negative schedule values indicate imports to New Brunswick.