
*All times are converted to Atlantic Time.

Outage Number Status Start Time Stop Time Purpose
30201 APPROVED 2025/02/20 14:30 2025/03/01 10:00 L3004 forced OOS for issue with Str 55
30135 ASSESSMENT 2025/03/06 10:00 2025/03/06 18:00 L2101 OOS at Matapedia to repair switch 13B30, no isolation required at Eel River
30125 ASSESSMENT 2025/03/17 07:00 2025/03/27 17:00 L-6551 (Amherst Wind Farm to Maccan) OOS for transmission line structure repairs.
30013 ASSESSMENT 2025/03/17 09:00 2025/03/18 17:00 WP on Line 1176 to Install new cross arms on STR 26 line 1126
30035 RECEIVED 2025/03/24 07:00 2025/03/28 23:00 Synchronous Condenser spring shutdown
30036 RECEIVED 2025/03/31 07:00 2025/04/04 23:00 Synchronous Condenser spring shutdown
30037 RECEIVED 2025/04/07 07:00 2025/04/11 23:00 Synchronous Condenser spring shutdown
30186 RECEIVED 2025/04/28 11:01 2025/04/30 18:00 Section 3024 O.O.S. for relay upgrades due to new Section 392 at Coopers Mills.
30041 RECEIVED 2025/09/14 08:00 2025/09/22 23:00 HVDC annual fall shutdown
30042 RECEIVED 2025/09/14 08:00 2025/09/19 23:00 Maintenance
30091 RECEIVED 2025/09/23 23:00 2025/09/24 23:00 4160V station service testing
30043 RECEIVED 2025/09/28 08:00 2025/10/06 23:00 HVDC annual fall shutdown

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