Electricity Business Rules

The authority and scope of the Electricity Business Rules (the "Business Rules") are established in the Electricity Act. The Business Rules complement and supplement the Open Access Transmission Tariff (the "Tariff"), and facilitate the reliable operation of the Integrated Electricity System (the "IES") and adherence to Board Approved Reliability Standards.

The operation of the IES is governed by the Electricity Act, the Tariff, and the Business Rules.

The Transmission Provider shall administer the Business Rules.

If a conflict exists between a provision of the Business Rules and a provision of Tariff the provision of the Tariff prevails.

If a conflict exists between a provision of the Business Rules and a Board Approved Reliability Standard the more stringent provision prevails.

The purpose of the Business Rules is to clarify and provide interpretation regarding the rights and obligations between the Transmission Provider and transmission system users with respect to the administration of the Tariff, the operation of the IES, and functions performed by the Transmission Provider with respect to electricity systems outside of New Brunswick.

The Business Rules define the administrative practices for the sale and provision of Transmission Services. The Transmission Provider offers Transmission Service in accordance with the rates, terms, and conditions contained in the Tariff, a copy of which is posted on the Transmission Provider's public website.

The Transmission Provider offers both Point-to-Point Transmission Service and Network Integration Transmission Service under the Tariff. The terms and conditions for these Transmission Services are contained in Parts II and III of the Tariff. The Tariff also contains terms and conditions for Transmission Customers' use of Ancillary Services.



Upcoming changes to Electricity Business Rules - December 31, 2023

The New Brunswick System Operator is announcing amendments to the Electricity Business Rules (EBRs), which will come into force on December 31, 2023. The most significant amendments pertain to Appendix G (Tariff and OASIS Administrative Practices), with the addition of the following provisions:

  • Addition of section 3.3 to Part 3 (Retraction of a Transmission Request) as well as Table D, which will require customers to submit pre-confirmed transmission service requests during specified high-volume periods; and,
  • Addition of Part 6 (Curtailment Procedures), which provides a detailed visual explanation of the application of the curtailment provisions contained in the OATT
  • Minor typographical, consistency, and other housekeeping changes have also been made to Appendices C and D.


  • No Change
